Bok Choy Salad with Sesame-Almond Crunch

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Bok Choy Salad with Sesame-Almond CrunchYou know what I get sick of hearing?  How leafy greens are so good for you.  (Before you start, yeah, I know they are. I like them even.) Whenever someone starts in on the benefits of leafy greens, my eyes kind of glaze over.  Because even as a person who kind of loves them, after a while, they all seem to start to meld together.  And kindly people who try to give you new ways to use said greens, really aren’t super helpful. (Stir fry!  Put it in soups!  Pesto!) I’m ready for something new.Bok Choy Salad with Sesame-Almond Crunch

Folks, this is that something new.  First off, can you even eat raw bok choy!?  You can! And you should!  It’s delicious and a lot lighter than you’d expect, and the white part kind of tastes like a more tender, subtler celery.  And the greens aren’t quite as intense as, say, kale might be.  Sturdy enough to hold up to a zesty dressing, but not so tough that you’ll still be digesting it next Tuesday.  Speaking of dressing, the one on this salad is on point.  The perfect blend of tartness and umami, it makes for one of those crazy addictive salads that you just can’t stop eating.  Or is that the sesame-almond crunch?  Oh yeah, maybe it’s the sesame-almond crunch.  Basically what that is, is… well, it’s basically putting candy on your salad in a socially acceptable way, ok?  Crunchy, toasty bits of almond and sesame seeds coated in a deep caramel coating, sprinkled throughout your salad.Bok Choy Salad with Sesame-Almond CrunchBok Choy Salad with Sesame-Almond Crunch

In the end, this salad was so good that I found myself guiltily plucking forkfuls from the leftover container in the fridge after I put the kids to bed, until I realized that I was, in fact, feeling guilty about shoveling heaping bites of LEAFY GREENS into my mouth.  That’s craziness, right there.  So I continued my after-hours binge feeling pretty darn good about myself. Needless to say, I’m kind of obsessed with this salad, and I can see it being my new go-to when someone asks me to bring a salad for dinner or a BBQ side. And not to brag or anything, but my 3-year-old ate it.  We may or may not have told him that there were bits of candy in it (there are!).  But hey, you gotta do what you gotta do to get in those leafy greens!Bok Choy Salad with Sesame-Almond Crunch