Tag: summer

Summer Vegetable Salad

Summer Vegetable Salad

This recipe might fall into the “duh” category.  I should probably make that a thing on my recipe category side bar.  This salad would be in there, along with this and this.  You know- things that are so basic that you really don’t need a recipe 

Marinated Swordfish with Avocado Salsa

Like the completely inept food blogger that I am, I made this months and months ago and forgot to say a single silly little word about it.  But I was looking over some photos just now, and found the images from when I made this, 

Sour Cherry and Chocolate Frozen Yogurt

For a person who makes her own condiments and bakes her own bread, I have a decidedly lazy streak when it comes to certain things.  It’s ok, don’t we all, even the overachievers among us?  So here’s my confession: I leave laundry in the dryer 

Bok Choy Salad with Sesame-Almond Crunch

Bok Choy Salad with Sesame-Almond Crunch

You know what I get sick of hearing?  How leafy greens are so good for you.  (Before you start, yeah, I know they are. I like them even.) Whenever someone starts in on the benefits of leafy greens, my eyes kind of glaze over.  Because 

Brown Butter Blondies

Listen.  It’s mid-June.  The beginning of summer.  You really should be eating healthfully.  Loading your body up with nutrient-packed greens and antioxidant rich berries and all of that.  I mean, that’s what I’m doing.  Mostly.  But chocolate and vanilla and browned butter know no season. 

Picnic Chicken

Picnic memories are always kind of happy memories, aren’t they?  Think about it: do you have any not-so-fond memories of a picnic?  Sure, some are better than others, but are they ever really bad?  No, not really.  The word picnic, for me, conjures up happy 

Beef Brisket Tacos

Ah, April.  Or, as I like to call it, the month where all I want is for it to be July already so I can eat corn on the cob and cheeseburgers straight from the grill.  In Chicago, we’ve seen an absolutely gorgeous April, with 

Burst Tomato Galette with Corn and Zucchini

I’m not a vegetarian.  Far from it: one of my favorite things in the world is a thick, juicy cheeseburger.  At one point in my life, I pretty much threw in my chips with the “a meal isn’t a meal without some kind of meat” 

Croissant Ice Cream Sandwiches

YOU GUYS.  This is not so much a recipe as a public service announcement.  I’m not even going to waste time with a pithy little intro on this one.  I just need to cut straight to the chase: CROISSANT ICE CREAM SANDWICHES. I have made 

Nectarine and Blueberry Poppyseed Cake

There are a lot of good things about being a parent.  But there are also some pretty lame parts about being a parent. You know what one of the worst parts of being a parent is?  When you have to be mean mommy. You know…