Irish Tea Brack

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Irish Tea BrackNever heard of Tea Brack?  Yeah, I hadn’t either until like, yesterday.  But hey, it’s St. Patrick’s Day and all, so let’s try something new!DSC_0002

This is definitely a different sort of Irish treat than all those Bailey’s-soaked, green food coloring confections that are floating around these days.  But in a good way.  This is a dense, fruit-packed breakfast or tea bread, just made for a cup of tea or coffee.  It’s not overly sweet, and is reminiscent of those little date slices that my grandma used to make.  (Has everyone had those?  Or was that just my grandma’s thing?) Think fudge, minus the chocolate.  If you want fluffy, sweet, and light, this is not the bread for you.  But if you want a little wedge of something to accompany your St. Pat’s afternoon tea, this is it.  And it comes together in under 5 minutes, with a bowl and a spoon, which means you still have time to make this and bring it to a friend or co-workers tomorrow for some authentic Irish goodness.  Or, you know, keep it all for yourself to eat while your children are napping.  Either one.DSC_0014

Happy St. Patrick’s Day!