Soft, Chewy Bagels

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Soft, Chewy BagelsYou know, when I post things like homemade bagels, I get concerned that some people might get the wrong idea about me.  See, sometimes when I see people that I know, who read my blog, they say things like, “I don’t know how you do it!” or my favorite, “How do you make these gourmet meals every night?!  I can barely heat up the mac ‘n cheese.” I have the uncomfortable feeling that I might be perpetuating the myth that moms with young kids can really keep perfectly clean houses, have perfectly groomed (and well-behaved) kids, and put perfectly nutritious meals on the table three times a day.

Soft, Chewy BagelsIf we’re being real here, I hope everyone knows that’s not reality.  Or, well, maybe that’s reality for you.  (If so, great job!  I mean it, give me your tips!)  But that’s not me.  And that’s not most of the people I know.  So yes, I spend lots of time cooking tasty and nutritious foods for my family.  But my living room almost always looks like someone broke in and stole everything but the contents of the toy bins.  Yes, some days I spend nap time prepping for dinner and coming up with something new and interesting.  But sometimes I fall asleep too, while watching BBC shows on Netflix and eating leftover Halloween candy.  And yeah, sometimes I make homemade bagels.  But you can bet my kitchen is somehow an even bigger disaster than when I started, because I’m trying to be one of those chill moms who lets their toddler “help”.Soft, Chewy Bagels

Everyone has their thing.  Some people make the time to work out and they look smokin’.  Some people make the time to craft customized lesson plans for their toddlers involving sensory and fine-motor skill activities and their kids will blow my kids out of the water in preschool.  Some people make the time to clean their house until it shines and they will never be haunted by the feeling that they may be growing a weapon of mass destruction behind their toilet.  We’re all doing the best we can, we do the little things that make us feel sane and just a wee bit in control.  My thing is cooking.  So I do it.  I do it when I’ve got some free time, I do it with my kids when I’m feeling brave, I do it when I just need to throw something together so we can all eat dinner and go to bed, for the love of God.Soft, Chewy Bagels

So… with that out of the way, yes, I made bagels.  They were delicious and fun and we had a good time making them.  I’m not saying I’m in any competition with any New York City bagel shops here, but I loved these.  They were soft in the center with a perfectly  characteristic chewiness to the crust, and the flavor was pretty awesome.  The closest I can liken them to is the kind you get at Panera.  Which, I know, true bagel aficionados might scoff at, but hey, I like them!  They tasted amazing with just a smear of cream cheese.  I’m thinking it might be fun, though, to make them for a brunch, and do a bagel-bar type of thing, where people can customize their bagels with all kinds of yummy toppings.Soft, Chewy Bagels

And for the record, since we’re having an honesty session, no, I’m not pulled together enough to do any such thing.  But maybe you are.  Like I said, give me your tips!  But if you’re like me, just know that you’re doing a great job doing your own thing, whether or not you do things like make homemade bagels.  Sometimes heating up the mac ‘n cheese is plenty.Soft, Chewy Bagels