Tag: holiday

Irish Tea Brack

Never heard of Tea Brack?  Yeah, I hadn’t either until like, yesterday.  But hey, it’s St. Patrick’s Day and all, so let’s try something new!

Earl Grey Truffles

Earl Grey Truffles

Mmm… is there anything better than a hot cup of earl grey tea on a cold day?  Oh wait… there is… and it’s that cup of tea, plus chocolate and cream and cocoa.  I’m not even a chocolate person (I know, the horror!) and I 

Rosemary Chipotle Roasted Nuts

Rosemary Chipotle Roasted Nuts

You didn’t think I could sneak in another little tidbit before Thanksgiving, did you?  Well I wouldn’t offer up anything that would mess with your probably already-set menus at this point, but this is just a little add-on.  I couldn’t help myself.  They are so 

The Ultimate Pumpkin Pie

The Ultimate Pumpkin Pie

I’m completely aware that I’m not exactly thinking outside of the box by giving you a pumpkin pie a few days before Thanksgiving.  But why would I tell you about something that wouldn’t be for Thanksgiving, when you most likely won’t want to look at