Roasted Carrot Salad with Cumin Vinaigrette

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Roasted Carrot Salad with Cumin VinaigretteHi.  I’m back.  I took a little hiatus for a week or so there, because with the holidays and all, it was just too much.  Too much fun, too much running around, too much gorging myself on festive holiday food.  All that.  And more.  But here I am, back at it, with a complete lack of originality in giving you a salad in time for your New Year’s resolutions.  Don’t worry, since I’m still me, I’ll have a buttery, sweet confection for you in time to celebrate the Epiphany in a few days (and completely sabotage your resolutions).  You’re welcome.Roasted Carrot Salad with Cumin Vinaigrette

So let’s talk about this salad.  It sounds weird, I get it.  As I was assembling it the first time, I thought maybe all the holiday junk food had really messed with my brain as much as I like to tell people it does.  Carrots have never been my favorite vegetable because they’re just so boring… right?  Wrong.  When roasted, they get so sweet and soft, with beautiful deep brown, caramelized edges.  A kick of cinnamon and cayenne makes them anything but boring.  Even so… piling them on top of greens?   That seems a little overzealous in the healthy eating arena.  But it just works.  The flavors are huge and intense and delicious and incredibly satisfying.  This is pretty much the perfect January lunch.  Light and bright, while still sticking to your ribs and filling up your tummy.

It feels good to be back.  I’m looking forward to getting back into our routine, eating salad for lunch (or anything that’s not leftover ham), and fitting into my pants again.  And I can’t wait to spend another year here with you all.  So, guys… what should we cook in 2015?  Tell me what you’re craving!Roasted Carrot Salad with Cumin Vinaigrette