Purslane Salad with Strawberries, Walnuts, and Feta

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Purslane SaladPurslane is a weed.  Which is perfect, because I specialize in growing weed gardens.  I grow them very well.  I’m ok with tomatoes, kale turns out alright, but man, those weeds… they really thrive.

Purslane is also, thankfully, very tasty.  It’s small, tender leaves have a bright taste that’s almost citrusy and a bit tart, without being at all overpowering.  And the texture is pleasant, not crispy exactly, but it has the tiniest bit of a snap when you bite into it.  Purslane Salad

There are a few ways to get purslane.  First, you could go out to your garden and find some.  Or you could go out to the sidewalk in front of your house and find some. Or you could go pretty much everywhere and find some.  It really does grow as a week pretty much anywhere.  Or, if you’re feeling particularly lazy, like I was yesterday, you could buy some at the farmers’ market.  The stuff is really good for you.  Apparently, it has as much or more Omega-3 fatty acids than fish oil!  It also has tons of Vitamin A and C and lots of antioxidants.  Pretty good for a weed, I’d say.

I made my little bunch into a nice salad for one today, and it was everything you’d want for a light lunch.  Since they leaves have a nice flavor, you don’t need much in the way of dressing- just a bit of oil and vinegar were perfect.  And since I had lots of strawberries from our picking adventure the other day (and I’m banning myself from making any more strawberry desserts), I threw them in with the leaves.  Some walnuts and feta sounded good with the strawberries, and in they went. That’s the story of my purslane salad.  A page-turner, I know.  But it was so good.  So while I wasn’t going to share it here, I can’t help myself.  When I eat something good, I can’t help but share.  Well, not literally share.  There is actually a direct correlation between the tastiness of something I make and the lessening of my offers to let others have a bite.  And for what’s it’s worth, I shared this salad with no one.  Purslane Salad