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Baked White Beans with Bacon and Breadcrumbs

Oh, spring, you tricky little vixen.  You’re hot, you’re cold.  You’re sunny, you’re rainy.  If it weren’t for the air being slightly, wondrously scented with the hint of rain, and the daffodils poking their heads through the grass, and the fuzz of green buds covering 

Beef Brisket Tacos

Ah, April.  Or, as I like to call it, the month where all I want is for it to be July already so I can eat corn on the cob and cheeseburgers straight from the grill.  In Chicago, we’ve seen an absolutely gorgeous April, with 

Pork Ragu over Creamy Polenta

When someone says that a recipe is idiot-proof, it’s usually for one of two reasons.  Either the recipe is so unbelievably simple that you can’t screw it up OR while it does have several steps and ingredients, it’s very forgiving of any shenanigans you throw 

Irish Tea Brack

Never heard of Tea Brack?  Yeah, I hadn’t either until like, yesterday.  But hey, it’s St. Patrick’s Day and all, so let’s try something new!

Chicken Sandwiches with Brie, Spinach, and Thyme-Roasted Tomatoes

March is a weird month for food.  You’re pretty  much over comfort food, but you still don’t have many options in the way of fresh fruits and vegetables.  The tomatoes still look and taste like pink baseballs, lettuce is still of the pale and limp 

Irish Colcannon Mac ‘N Cheese

Irish Colcannon Mac ‘N Cheese

I’m kind of a terrible food blogger. Just kidding, I’m an amazing food blogger.  That’s why you’re here, right? Hello? Right?!

Caramelized Fennel with Goat Cheese

Quick.  Before spring comes in earnest.  Get in all of your comfort-food-eating.  And your cheese-melting. And your warm spice toasting.  Because spring is coming soon and it will be all strawberries and asparagus. I know it’ll be a month or two, or even three (God 

Lentils with Kale and Bacon

Lentils?! Kale?!  What the…. ?!  Oh, phew, it’s ok: Bacon.  That, right there, folks, was my thought process while looking at this recipe.  This is another recipe that falls under the category of not-quite-sure-why-I tried-it, but also the sure-glad-I-did one.  Whooee, that was a lot of 

Apple Pandowdy

I try to not eat things like skillet apple pie all the time, I swear.  I really do start out with the best intentions.  I go to the store and buy dozens of apples (healthy snacks!), but in the end, they wind up covered in butter 

Slow-Roasted Chicken

It seems that in the food blogging world (and ok, maybe the world in general) something a little obnoxious starts happening in early February.  All of the food starts turning pink.  Or red.  Or covered in chocolate.  Or becomes inexplicably heart-shaped.