Caramelized Fennel with Goat Cheese

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DSC_0195Quick.  Before spring comes in earnest.  Get in all of your comfort-food-eating.  And your cheese-melting. And your warm spice toasting.  Because spring is coming soon and it will be all strawberries and asparagus. I know it’ll be a month or two, or even three (God help us), before I’ll really be enjoying spring produce, but a girl can dream, can’t she?  I mean, the weather forecast for next week promises a day with balmy 47 degree temperatures.  I’m busting out the shorts.

Just kidding.  I don’t wear shorts. Ew.

Caramelized Fennel with Goat CheeseAnyway, this fennel is the perfect transitional dish.  It’s warm, comforting, and the licorice-y fennel is exactly what I want on a cold winter night.  But there’s also a promise of spring in there somehow.  It’s lighter than most of it’s comfort food brethren, being, you know, a vegetable and all.  A light sprinkle (or whatever, I don’t judge heavy cheese sprinklers) of tangy goat cheese and loads of bright lemon zest will wake up your winter-weary palate.  Doesn’t lemon zest make you feel like you’ve got a mouthful of sunshine?  No?  You think maybe I’m starting to go slightly insane from a vitamin D deficiency?

You might be right.  But either way, I think you’ll really love this one.  Caramelized fennel, guys.  Goat Cheese.  Lemon Zest.  Crunchy, sweet little fennel seeds clinging to everything.  Just do it.Caramelized Fennel with Goat Cheese

Oh, and in case you were wondering, this is the perfect side dish for this roasted chicken.