Vanilla Coconut Cashew Butter

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Vanilla Coconut Cashew ButterMy boys love peanut butter.  Like, seriously love peanut butter.  Between the two of them, we go through large jars of the stuff like it’s water.  Now, I like peanut butter, but I can’t eat it for lunch every single day (like some toddlers I know… ahem).  But I do love a good smear of nut butter on a piece of toast or some apple slices now and again.  Now, while I think peanuts are dandy, cashews are pretty much my jam.  Their creamy texture and subtle sweet flavor make them the perfect candidate for turning into a spread.

Vanilla Coconut Cashew ButterLast year, at a food festival, we happened on a company that made some amazing-sounding nut butters.  However, the price tag on a small jar was a bit out of my budget.  And I couldn’t help by think, “Heck, I could make that!” And so I did.  It turns out that it’s so ridiculously easy that I’m not quite sure why I don’t do it more often.

And it rocks.  Smooth, creamy, with little bits of chewy coconut and an underlying hint of vanilla.  This isn’t your kid’s nut butter, folks.  But with a smear of blackberry jam, it does make one heck of a PB&J. I might even share a little with the boys.  Just a little.Vanilla Coconut Cashew Butter