Hibiscus Tea Punch (or… Natural Cool-Aid!)

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Hibiscus Tea PunchYep, I’m still in baby-land over here.  (And toddler-land.  And laundry-pile-growing land.)  But I’m just dropping in real quick to share this yummy little tidbit with you.  It seems summer is sneakily creeping in, and this is an awesome new discovery that I’d thought everyone would enjoy before the heat really kicks up.

So… the first thing you should know is that this drink has two names.  If you serve it to guests, it’s hibiscus tea punch.  Ooh, fancy!  If you serve it to your kids, it’s Cool-aid.  It looks like cool-aid, and has that familiar tang and fruity flavor.  Just minus all the sugar, articial flavors, and food dyes.  So it’s actually yummy. And something you’d be happy to give your kids.  Win-win!  But seriously, in case you’re not familiar with the toddler and small child psyche, don’t try to tell them it’s hibiscus tea punch.  It’s cool-aid.  Period.

I’m even going to throw it out there that for the adults, the addition of a bit of vodka or liqueur would make a super yummy cocktail.  Just sayin’.  Mama needs her cool-aid sometimes, too.Hibiscus Tea Punch