Tag: Healthy

Lentils with Kale and Bacon

Lentils?! Kale?!  What the…. ?!  Oh, phew, it’s ok: Bacon.  That, right there, folks, was my thought process while looking at this recipe.  This is another recipe that falls under the category of not-quite-sure-why-I tried-it, but also the sure-glad-I-did one.  Whooee, that was a lot of 

The Perfect Pork Tenderloin

Ok, so I know it’s December and all, and everything is all about mulled wine and Christmas cookies and over-the-top pot-luck casseroles.  But the thing is, let’s be reasonable.  We all still have to eat dinner.  And if you’re like me, you  might want something 

Fruit and Nut Granola Bars

Over two years ago, soon after I had my first little peanut, I wrote a post for chicken lettuce wraps that were quick and easy and could basically be eaten with one hand.  That’s what was necessary in my house at the time.  Now I 

Hibiscus Tea Punch (or… Natural Cool-Aid!)

Yep, I’m still in baby-land over here.  (And toddler-land.  And laundry-pile-growing land.)  But I’m just dropping in real quick to share this yummy little tidbit with you.  It seems summer is sneakily creeping in, and this is an awesome new discovery that I’d thought everyone 

Apple, Goat Cheese, and Pecan Salad

Apple, Goat Cheese, and Pecan Salad

This doesn’t happen very often, but I had a very hard time deciding what to call this salad.  I know, I know.  You just call it what it is.  But this salad isn’t just what it is.  It morphs.  Hmmm… maybe the “magical morphing salad” 

Simmered Brussels Sprouts… don’t stop reading!

Simmered Brussels Sprouts… don’t stop reading!

I’m pretty sure I’ve probably already lost half of you somewhere between Brussels and sprouts.  But for those of you that have gotten this far, hang in there with me!  I know that Brussels sprouts aren’t exactly the prom queen of the vegetable world, and 

Baked Kale Chips

Baked Kale Chips

  So, I’ve been hearing this crazy rumor going around about kale chips.  To hear some people tell it, you can toss kale with a little olive oil, bake it for a few minutes, and the result is something very similar in taste and texture