Tag: Zucchini

Roasted Pattypan Squash with Herbs and Feta

Is it just me, or is the internet a fickle pickle?  Because I feel like last summer, it was all about telling me what do with with the abundance of zucchini and other summer squash I had at my disposal at the end of the 

Burst Tomato Galette with Corn and Zucchini

I’m not a vegetarian.  Far from it: one of my favorite things in the world is a thick, juicy cheeseburger.  At one point in my life, I pretty much threw in my chips with the “a meal isn’t a meal without some kind of meat” 

Zucchini Soup

Sometimes, you don’t know what you’ve got until you’ve not longer got it.  Terrible grammar aside, this is a fact of life.  Especially in the case of zucchinis.  Mid-July, we are all bemoaning the pounds and pounds of zucchinis being hauled in from our gardens, 

Turkey and Zucchini Burgers with Green Onion and Cumin

I’ve been holding out on you.  I’m sorry.  These burgers are one of the best things we’ve been eating over the past several months, and I’ve made them many times.  They’re one of the things we like so much that I made multiple batches and 

Chocolate Zucchini Bread

Chocolate Zucchini Bread

So, I promised you a few days ago that I’d share the recipe that keeps me from getting sick of zucchini at times when my garden seems to be spitting it out faster than I can handle. Without further ado, here it is… Chocolate Zucchini