Roasted Pattypan Squash with Herbs and Feta

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Roasted Pattypan Squash with Herbs and FetaIs it just me, or is the internet a fickle pickle?  Because I feel like last summer, it was all about telling me what do with with the abundance of zucchini and other summer squash I had at my disposal at the end of the summer.  This year, it’s pretty much radio-silence.  Which is ok, I suppose.  But there’s still squash. Squash to be sliced and blanched and shredded.  Squash to be baked and frozen and sautéed.  A lot of squash.Roasted Pattypan Squash with Herbs and Feta

In case you’re in the same boat, this is one of the ways we’ve been eating squash this summer.  Roasting it brings out it’s flavor without causing the dreaded mush-factor. Fresh green herbs and salty chunks of feta are perfect tossed into the mix.  This calls for pattypan, but you could also use zucchini or yellow summer squash cut into chunks and it would be just as good.  This is the way to do squash, without having to shred it up and sneak it into every meatloaf, burger, smoothie, or cake that you happen to be making.  This is just squash being squash, in all its glory.Roasted Pattypan Squash with Herbs and Feta