Tag: Raisins

Irish Tea Brack

Never heard of Tea Brack?  Yeah, I hadn’t either until like, yesterday.  But hey, it’s St. Patrick’s Day and all, so let’s try something new!

Moroccan Chicken with Lemons and Olives

Several weeks ago, I saw a recipe for preserved lemons (another goodie from Jerusalem: A Cookbook… I seriously need to get that cookbook already!), and decided it would be a fun thing to try.  I had a huge bag of lemons, so it seemed the 

Inside-Out Carrot Cake Cookies

Inside-Out Carrot Cake Cookies

  It’s a rainy Sunday, and I planned on spending the day cleaning the house, doing laundry, and doing a little baking.  To me, there is nothing better than a whole day with nothing to do except look through your cookbooks and then bake a