Tag: Desserts

Chocolate Banana Cake with Pecans

It would seem that the internet hardly needs another recipe for banana bread.  Or banana cake.  And it isn’t as though bananas and chocolate are a novel combination, for goodness’ sake.  But I feel like it is my duty to share this banana cake recipe, 

Chocolate Chunk Cookies with Brown Butter and Pecans

Chocolate Chunk Cookies with Brown Butter and Pecans

This isn’t just a chocolate chip cookie. Let me rephrase that.  Saying just a chocolate chip cookie is somewhat disparaging to chocolate chip cookies.  A chocolate chip cookie can be the epitome of what a cookie should be.  So I’ll say it this way: This 

Strawberry and Rhubarb Cream Tart

Strawberry and Rhubarb Cream Tart

As much as I enjoy food blogging, there is one thing that I decidedly do not love.  And that would be the simple fact that when you blow it, there is photo evidence.  When I make something new, I take pictures “just in case” it’s 

Mini Chocolate Chip Cheesecakes

Mini Chocolate Chip Cheesecakes

I was going to tell you about peanut noodles today.  But then I made these cheesecakes yesterday and today is all gloomy and gray, so I thought maybe you’d like something to make that would warm up your kitchen and make your whole house smell 

Cocoa Brownies with Browned Butter and Walnuts

Cocoa Brownies with Browned Butter and Walnuts

Do you ever just NEED to have a tray of brownies?  Don’t deny it… you’ve felt this way.  Sometimes, only a fudgy, chocolatey treat will silence the craving.  And there’s nothing like homemade.  But here’s the rub: I cannot buy bars of chocolate, bring them into 

Chocolate Fudge with Pretzels

Chocolate Fudge with Pretzels

I can’t believe that I completely forgot about Monday Treat Day last week.  Will you ever forgive me? My mind has just been somewhere else…  hard to believe, I know, when there are things like pretzel fudge to be made.  But don’t worry, this bad boy 

Strawberry and Rhubarb Crumble

Strawberry and Rhubarb Crumble

I searched high and low for rhubarb this year.  There was none to be found.  Towards the end of May, I started getting pretty worried, thinking that I might not get any this year.  Because, for me, rhubarb is just so spring.  And here it 

Chocolate Chip Pecan Banana Muffins

Chocolate Chip Pecan Banana Muffins

  Bananas are tricky.  They look so innocent in the store, and they are cheap and yummy looking and you think things like, “Bananas would be good to have in my cereal in the morning.” But then you get them home, and it turns out