Chocolate Chunk Cookies with Brown Butter and Pecans

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Chocolate Chunk Cookies with Brown Butter and Pecans

This isn’t just a chocolate chip cookie.

Let me rephrase that.  Saying just a chocolate chip cookie is somewhat disparaging to chocolate chip cookies.  A chocolate chip cookie can be the epitome of what a cookie should be.  So I’ll say it this way: This isn’t your typical chocolate chip cookie.  This cookie is so chock full of chocolate, pecans, and flecks of browned butter that it was all I could do to stop myself from shoving teaspoonfuls of the batter into my already chocolate-stained mouth.  (Ok, I didn’t stop myself. Lots of dough was harmed in the making of these cookies.)

Chocolate Chunk Cookies with Brown Butter and Pecans

This recipe is from one of my favorite food blogs, Delicious Days.  I have found so many gems on this site that I can honestly say it is one of the things that inspired me to start my own food blog.  Many of the recipes that I go back to again and again come from here, and every time I wander back I find something new to entice me.  This cookie recipe is one of the best, in my humble opinion.

Chocolate Chunk Cookies with Brown Butter and Pecans

Now, if you will allow me to get up on my soapbox for a moment, I’m going to say a word about weighing your ingredients when baking.  I know it’s not that common in the States.  For that reason, I did my best to convert all measurements to the American standard.  However… have you ever tried weighing instead?  It’s so much more consistent, and always results in a finished product that turns out as intended.  And it’s really not difficult- it’s actually easier, once you get in the habit.  Decent kitchen scales can be found pretty much anywhere for very little money.  Just putting my two cents out there.  (If you want to try it with this recipe, click through to the link to the original recipe.)  Ok, down off my soap box now.  I can’t reach the cookie plate from up there.

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These are seriously good.  They differ from typical chocolate chip cookies in that they are not of the sort that are exceedingly chewy on the inside and crispy on the outside.  I know, I know, I really love that, too.  But bear with me.  These consist of a more crumbly sort of dough, somewhat reminiscent of a shortbread.  But they are insanely buttery and melt in your mouth.  The shards of dark chocolate melt into liquid pools that drip into the crumbly, browned butter-scented dough and all over the toasted pecans.  In case your head hasn’t exploded yet, the whole thing is topped off by a tiny sprinkle of fine sea salt.  So, no, these aren’t Tollhouse chocolate chip cookies.  But if I handed you the aforementioned cookie, would you be missing those waxy little chips, either?  I don’t think so.

Chocolate Chunk Cookies with Brown Butter and Pecans