Grown-up Sloppy Joes

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Grown-up Sloppy JoesThere’s a reason that people love comfort food.  You know- the good stuff.  The foods that you ate as a kid and still kind of love as an adult.  You know what that reason is?  It’s delicious.Grown-up Sloppy Joes

Yes, sometimes it’s just the memories that make a certain food so special to us.  There are certain foods from my childhood, that while they hold a special place in my heart, I’m in no rush to recreate in my kitchen.  But those aren’t the things I’m talking about right now.  I’m talking about the things I still go for now that I’m an adult.  A perfect grilled cheese.  A steaming bowl of spaetzle zuppe.  And yes, sloppy joes.Grown-up Sloppy Joes

For some reason, I still equate sloppy joes with my dad being out of town.  Looking back, I guess my mom must have made them for us when he wasn’t home for dinner, maybe because he didn’t like them?  I don’t know, maybe I should ask.  But I bet he’d like this version.  This is sloppy joes the way they were meant to be- big, beefy, rich flavor, not too juicy, not too stodgy, with just a hint of spiciness and a bright tomato-sauce acidity.  But the toppings are what make this one so “grown up”.  Caramelized onions and a fried egg?  Sure, I’ll take it.  There are very few things that sweet, melty onions and an oozy yolk cannot improve upon. And in this case, it’s a home run.  Oh, and while we’re on the subject of toppings, some of those thick-sliced dill pickle slices totally rock this sandwich.  It might not be how I had it as a kid, but it’s definitely how I’m eating it now.Grown-up Sloppy Joes

I only just now realized that I cooked these up for myself and the kids the other night when my husband was working late. Maybe it was a coincidence, or maybe it was my subconscious playing out the Sloppy Joe scenario that I grew up with.  Maybe in my head, Sloppy Joes are still kid food.  I will note, however, that Kev downed one pretty quickly after he got home. And even though I may accuse him of being a man-child sometimes (put your plate in the dishwasher, argggghhhh!), I think this proves that sloppy joes have moved out of the realm of kid food and into the realm of food for all the people everywhere.Grown-up Sloppy Joes