Pork Chops with Apples, Onion, and Thyme

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Pork Chops with Apples, Onion, and ThymeA lot of quick meals happen in this house.  Have I mentioned that there are TWO tiny little humans here who both need my completely undivided attention, without fail, about twenty minutes before we should be eating dinner?  It’s perfectly delightful I assure you, but it doesn’t leave a lot of time for lengthy dinner prep most nights.  That doesn’t mean we don’t eat well. We do!  It just ain’t isn’t fancy.  And there ain’t aren’t any pictures.  Sorry I was trying to but cute with all that ain’t, but it’s just not cute; bad grammar isn’t cool, kids.

This was one such quick meal that we decided we loved enough to not only write it down, but also have it again this past week to take pictures and share it with you. It’s perfect for this time of year, full of good fall vibes (and more apples, obviously!)  In fact, I think I need to start a recipe category in the archives along the lines of “good fall meals”, because that is what my hubs reliably calls it each and every time I present him with anything remotely warm, hearty, or cozy.  Isn’t he adorable, folks?  Pork Chops with Apples, Onion, and Thyme

I love pork chops because they’re easy, packed with flavor, and are easy to dress up however you like.  Here, they are paired up with two of their classic pals, apples and onions, and the resulting flavor is out of the world.  The onions are mellow and melting, the apples lend a hint of sweetness, but only barely.  A hint of thyme infuses everything, but especially the light gravy (which basically, is pork juices and white wine, mmmmk?).  It all works so well together that I’m surprised I’d never tossed them in a pan together and called it dinner before.  That just ain’t isn’t right.Pork Chops with Apples, Onion, and Thyme

Ahhh, sorry, still can’t do it. Enjoy the chops.