Tag: turkey

Sweet Potato, Brussels Sprout, and Turkey Hash

Do you ever stop and marvel at how quickly a year goes by?  Sometimes I get caught up in the everyday of it all, only to be blindsided by the passage of months, whole seasons, then suddenly, a year.  Before you know it, it’s been 

Turkey Tetrazzini

I know this might be a bit premature, but I feel it only fair to give you enough time to cook a bigger turkey.  Because you’re going to want leftovers.  So you can make this Tetrazzini.

Turkey and Zucchini Burgers with Green Onion and Cumin

I’ve been holding out on you.  I’m sorry.  These burgers are one of the best things we’ve been eating over the past several months, and I’ve made them many times.  They’re one of the things we like so much that I made multiple batches and