Tag: sweet corn

Sweetcorn Cornbread

I love this time of year- the few weeks between summer and fall, when the air is crisp and cool, but there are still so many beautiful summer vegetables to be had.  It’s the perfect season for chili, stir-fries full of veggies, and creamy corn 

Burst Tomato Galette with Corn and Zucchini

I’m not a vegetarian.  Far from it: one of my favorite things in the world is a thick, juicy cheeseburger.  At one point in my life, I pretty much threw in my chips with the “a meal isn’t a meal without some kind of meat” 

Sweet Corn and Chicken Chowder

Sweet Corn and Chicken Chowder

It’s officially fall, my favorite time of year for cooking.  As much as I love summer with all of its fresh fruits and veggies from farmers’ markets and all the variety of things that are actually in season, come fall I’m actually in the mood to