Tag: Starter

Prosciutto-Wrapped Asparagus with Orange-Mint Dipping Sauce

Part of me regrets adding to the cacophony of asparagus-centric recipes on the internet right now.  But it’s a very, very small part of me.  Like a toenail’s worth.  And I don’t pay much attention to toenails these days, (Pedicure? What’s a pedicure?) so who 

Sweet Corn and Chicken Chowder

Sweet Corn and Chicken Chowder

It’s officially fall, my favorite time of year for cooking.  As much as I love summer with all of its fresh fruits and veggies from farmers’ markets and all the variety of things that are actually in season, come fall I’m actually in the mood to 

Homemade Ricotta

Homemade Ricotta

For those of you who are thinking that you would never make homemade ricotta, and that I’m just going overboard in the other direction after giving you this tube-dough abomination…. you may be right.  About the going in the other direction thing, not that you 

Watermelon, Feta, and Arugula Salad with Balsamic Glaze

Watermelon, Feta, and Arugula Salad with Balsamic Glaze

Are you starting to get worried about us?  It took me a while to realize that if I was reading what’s going on in my kitchen, I’d be worried, too.  Because, seriously, we’re not exactly coming off as health nuts.  There’s a lot of talk about pulled 

Green Herb Dip

Green Herb Dip

Summer is almost here. I can officially wear flip-flops without my toes turning to ice, and I barely need a jacket to sit outside in the evening. The trees and flowers are green and gorgeous and hopeful, and I swear the smell of cut grass through 

Egg-Topped Soba Noodles with Asparagus and Prosciutto

Egg-Topped Soba Noodles with Asparagus and Prosciutto

Be honest.  Aren’t there things you wait to do until your significant other leaves the house?  Re-arrange the dishwasher so that the plates face the right way?  Watch Real Housewives of New York?  Feed the dog pieces of bacon because he loves them so much?  

Hot Onion Souffle and Pita Chips

Hot Onion Souffle and Pita Chips

  Yesterday was hot.  I mean, it was really hot for May, so much so that it was kind a shock to my system. The trees are still blossoming all pinky and purple and the I’m just recovering from the constant joy of seeing green 

Moules Mariniere

Moules Mariniere

  “What’s for dinner tonight?”  Almost every day, I hear this question at least two or three times- from my husband, from my co-workers, from myself.  And let me tell you something.  I am very,very tired of answering, “Chicken.”  No thank you.  I’m over it.