Tag: Parmesan

Burst Tomato Galette with Corn and Zucchini

I’m not a vegetarian.  Far from it: one of my favorite things in the world is a thick, juicy cheeseburger.  At one point in my life, I pretty much threw in my chips with the “a meal isn’t a meal without some kind of meat” 

Zucchini Soup

Sometimes, you don’t know what you’ve got until you’ve not longer got it.  Terrible grammar aside, this is a fact of life.  Especially in the case of zucchinis.  Mid-July, we are all bemoaning the pounds and pounds of zucchinis being hauled in from our gardens, 

Herb and Parmesan Foccacia

I’m not what you would call a “camper”. And that sentence, right there, is what anyone who knows me would call an “understatement of the century.” This wouldn’t be noteworthy except for the fact that my husband loves camping.  He dreams of taking family camping 

Arugula and Three Cheese Pizza

For me, arugula is one of the unsung heroes of spring.  It so often gets lumped in with “spring greens” but it’s so much more exciting than any of it’s lettuce-y brethren.  And even though it may get overshadowed by the more illustrious spring produce 

Ricotta Gnocchi and Asparagus with Lemon-Thyme Sauce

Ricotta Gnocchi and Asparagus with Lemon-Thyme Sauce

Brace yourselves: I’m going to give you a recipe for gnocchi.  Gnocchi that’s not only light and delicious and flavorful, but also super easy to make.  Your mind is blown, right?  Well, mine was. Not so long ago, when I thought gnocchi, I thought of 

Smothered Cabbage and Rice Soup

Smothered Cabbage and Rice Soup

I know what some of you are saying. “Two soups in a row?  What is this?!” Friends, I will tell you what this is.  This is called February in the Arctic Chicago.  It’s really cold.  All the time.  Not the kind of duh-it’s-winter cold, but the 

Little Quinoa Patties

Little Quinoa Patties

I don’t know about you, but I had a lot of extra quinoa hanging around after I made that quinoa salad.  Like, a LOT of quinoa.  What’s a girl to do?  And then I remembered something, sort of had a flashback if you will…   

Parmesan and Thyme Crackers

Parmesan and Thyme Crackers

True Story: I make these crackers. Friends come over for drinks and apps. They see these crackers sitting on a plate on the corner and immediately exclaim, “Oh my gosh, are those Ina’s Parmesan and Thyme Crackers?!” Wow. I had no idea when I made 

Finocchio al Forno (Fennel Baked in Cream)

Finocchio al Forno (Fennel Baked in Cream)

I feel it’s only fair after subjecting you all to Brussels sprouts, and urging you to give them another try, that I give something a second try, too.  The tough part about that is… there are so few foods that I don’t like.  I will 

Egg-Topped Soba Noodles with Asparagus and Prosciutto

Egg-Topped Soba Noodles with Asparagus and Prosciutto

Be honest.  Aren’t there things you wait to do until your significant other leaves the house?  Re-arrange the dishwasher so that the plates face the right way?  Watch Real Housewives of New York?  Feed the dog pieces of bacon because he loves them so much?