Tag: mexican

Creamy Chicken Enchiladas

I can’t let Father’s Day come and go without posting a recipe for these creamy chicken enchiladas.  They are my husband’s favorite.  No, I feel like that’s putting things a little too mildly. For  a person who married a woman who loves to cook, my 

Beef Brisket Tacos

Ah, April.  Or, as I like to call it, the month where all I want is for it to be July already so I can eat corn on the cob and cheeseburgers straight from the grill.  In Chicago, we’ve seen an absolutely gorgeous April, with 

Mexican Kohlrabi Salad with Papalo

I hope that by now, most of you know that the only thing I love more than kohlrabi is sharing the kohlrabi love with other people.  So when I come across another way to use it, I can’t help but share. I can’t take the 

Chiles Rellenos Casserole

Sometimes it’s ok to be lazy.  Sometimes being lazy winds up being a huge mark in the “win” column.  Because sometimes it means getting chiles rellenos where there otherwise would have been no chile rellenos. Anyway.  Chiles rellenos are one of my all time favorite 

Homemade Flour Tortillas

Well, what did you think?  That I was going to give you a great recipe for refried beans, and not for the warm, soft, impossibly delicious tortillas that I slathered them on?  No way!  I wouldn’t leave you hangin’ like that.

Creamy Refried Beans (in the Crockpot)

Creamy Refried Beans (in the Crockpot)

Hi.  My name is Christina, and I’m a Mexican food addict.  But it’s ok, because I’ve created my own little family of fellow Mexican food addicts.  I’ve been known to put Chihuahua cheese on pretty much anything and there is always Mexican chorizo in my 

Creamy Chard and Black Bean Enchiladas

Creamy Chard and Black Bean Enchiladas

I know what you’re thinking.  You think I’ve turned to the dark side.  Who in their right mind makes enchiladas with chard and black beans?  Enchiladas are meant to be the stuff of roasted pork and slow-cooked beef.  Well, most of the time, I’d agree 

Cochinita Pibil

Cochinita Pibil

Remember when I made this pulled pork?  Boy.  It was good.  Really good.  Since then, I’ve made it, um, probably 80  million times.  It’s still as delicious and mind-blowing as the first time I made it.  But, turns out, there are other ways to eat