Tag: Cilantro

Marinated Swordfish with Avocado Salsa

Like the completely inept food blogger that I am, I made this months and months ago and forgot to say a single silly little word about it.  But I was looking over some photos just now, and found the images from when I made this, 

Creamy Chicken Enchiladas

I can’t let Father’s Day come and go without posting a recipe for these creamy chicken enchiladas.  They are my husband’s favorite.  No, I feel like that’s putting things a little too mildly. For  a person who married a woman who loves to cook, my 

Mexican Kohlrabi Salad with Papalo

I hope that by now, most of you know that the only thing I love more than kohlrabi is sharing the kohlrabi love with other people.  So when I come across another way to use it, I can’t help but share. I can’t take the 

Beef Meatballs with Fava Beans and Lemon

You may have noticed by now that when it comes to preparing meat, I have a tendency to grind it up, mix it with other yummies, and shape it into a ball, patty, loaf, or burger.  What can I say?  Using ground meat is so 

Corn and Radish Salad with Jalapeno Lime Dressing

Corn and Radish Salad with Jalapeno Lime Dressing

It’s sweet corn season, when you can bring home armfuls of the stuff for pocket change. Crunchy, sweet, milky sweet corn- one of my favorite things. For the next month, sweet corn will be a staple around our house, especially because it’s so versatile and 

Skirt Steak with Cilantro Garlic Sauce

Skirt Steak with Cilantro Garlic Sauce

It occurred to me that we’ve been pretty sweets heavy around here lately, without much to suggest that we ever actually eat whole, balanced meals.  And I’ve hardly even touched on the fact that it is, in fact, summer in Illinois, and we’ve been doing 

Simple Asian Lettuce Wraps

Simple Asian Lettuce Wraps

You doubted me, didn’t you?  You thought maybe after moving, having a baby, and then going back to work that I just might forget about this little old blog.  Have a little faith, people!  Sure, it’s taken me a few weeks to get back into 

Garlic and Fresh Herb Potato Salad

Garlic and Fresh Herb Potato Salad

I haven’t always loved American potato salad. I grew up on German potato salad, and before you say, “Ew gross,” I’m not talking about the German potato salad you buy at the grocery store or they serve at restaurants some times.  I’m talking about the