Tag: chipotle

Rosemary Chipotle Roasted Nuts

Rosemary Chipotle Roasted Nuts

You didn’t think I could sneak in another little tidbit before Thanksgiving, did you?  Well I wouldn’t offer up anything that would mess with your probably already-set menus at this point, but this is just a little add-on.  I couldn’t help myself.  They are so 

Bacon Chipotle Meatloaf

Bacon Chipotle Meatloaf

Those of you who have hung around for a while remember that a few years ago, I presented you with the golden rule of bacon, namely, “When in doubt, wrap it in bacon.”  Well, that still obviously holds true, but now I have a slight 

Smoky Black Bean Ragout

Smoky Black Bean Ragout

“I made something vegan!” This is what I exclaimed about an hour after I piled all of the ingredients for this dish into the  slow cooker, just as the delicious smoky smell of paprika and cumin began wafting into the living room.  Frankly, I was 

Chipotle Sweet Potato Chowder

Chipotle Sweet Potato Chowder

Call the doctor! It seems I have a fever.  And the only prescription is more chowder! I’m really sorry for what just happened there.  See, I haven’t slept for a whole night for the past 8 or so months, and among other things, my sense 

Skirt Steak with Cilantro Garlic Sauce

Skirt Steak with Cilantro Garlic Sauce

It occurred to me that we’ve been pretty sweets heavy around here lately, without much to suggest that we ever actually eat whole, balanced meals.  And I’ve hardly even touched on the fact that it is, in fact, summer in Illinois, and we’ve been doing