Tag: chicken

Turkish-Spiced Chicken with Green Olive Relish

For any of you who follow me on Instagram, it’s pretty obvious that when I fall for a new cookbook, I fall hard.  So you really shouldn’t be surprised that I’m writing about another recipe from A Bird in the Hand.  If anything, you should 

Cumin and Turmeric Roast Chicken with Smashed Avocado and Corn Cakes

This may be incredibly shocking to you, but I don’t often serve my family cohesive, prettily plated meals.  I know, crazy! All sarcasm aside, the way it usually works is I’ll pick something that sounds really great from a cookbook, blog, or something that I 

General Tso’s Chicken

We all have our guilty pleasures, don’t we?  Even though we know it’s no good for us, we just can’t quit.  For some people, it’s a double cheeseburger from McDonald’s. (Come on, you can admit it.) For others, nuclear mac and cheese, from a box, 

Creamy Chicken Enchiladas

I can’t let Father’s Day come and go without posting a recipe for these creamy chicken enchiladas.  They are my husband’s favorite.  No, I feel like that’s putting things a little too mildly. For  a person who married a woman who loves to cook, my 

Picnic Chicken

Picnic memories are always kind of happy memories, aren’t they?  Think about it: do you have any not-so-fond memories of a picnic?  Sure, some are better than others, but are they ever really bad?  No, not really.  The word picnic, for me, conjures up happy 

Chicken Sandwiches with Brie, Spinach, and Thyme-Roasted Tomatoes

March is a weird month for food.  You’re pretty  much over comfort food, but you still don’t have many options in the way of fresh fruits and vegetables.  The tomatoes still look and taste like pink baseballs, lettuce is still of the pale and limp 

Slow-Roasted Chicken

It seems that in the food blogging world (and ok, maybe the world in general) something a little obnoxious starts happening in early February.  All of the food starts turning pink.  Or red.  Or covered in chocolate.  Or becomes inexplicably heart-shaped.

Bacon Bourbon BBQ Chicken Kebabs

Oftentimes, I find an simple-looking recipe, tag it for a weeknight on sight, and go about my business.  Come the weeknight in question, I gather up my ingredients only to realize upon reading the recipe that the recipe has some weird quirks that make it 

Moroccan Chicken with Lemons and Olives

Several weeks ago, I saw a recipe for preserved lemons (another goodie from Jerusalem: A Cookbook… I seriously need to get that cookbook already!), and decided it would be a fun thing to try.  I had a huge bag of lemons, so it seemed the 

Honey-Mustard Glazed Chicken

Honey-Mustard Glazed Chicken

A funny thing starts to happen when you’ve been writing a food blog for a while.  You’re always wanting to share the new interesting thing that you tried- something other people will find exciting, too.  But in doing that, I realize that I start forgetting