Tag: Brussels Sprouts

Sweet Potato, Brussels Sprout, and Turkey Hash

Do you ever stop and marvel at how quickly a year goes by?  Sometimes I get caught up in the everyday of it all, only to be blindsided by the passage of months, whole seasons, then suddenly, a year.  Before you know it, it’s been 

Spaghetti with Brussels Sprouts and Almonds

Spaghetti with Brussels Sprouts and Almonds

Pasta, like Mexican food, is another one of those things that doesn’t exactly get fair air-time on this blog.  At least not in a reality-to-blog kind of way.  I’d guess that we eat some kind of pasta for dinner at least once a week, especially 

Dijon Roasted Brussels Sprouts

Dijon Roasted Brussels Sprouts

Sometimes you think you know how much you love something or someone, and then they do something that surprises you and makes you love them even more.    Like when you come downstairs in the morning and discover that your husband has done all of 

Simmered Brussels Sprouts… don’t stop reading!

Simmered Brussels Sprouts… don’t stop reading!

I’m pretty sure I’ve probably already lost half of you somewhere between Brussels and sprouts.  But for those of you that have gotten this far, hang in there with me!  I know that Brussels sprouts aren’t exactly the prom queen of the vegetable world, and