Tag: brie

Chicken Sandwiches with Brie, Spinach, and Thyme-Roasted Tomatoes

March is a weird month for food.  You’re pretty  much over comfort food, but you still don’t have many options in the way of fresh fruits and vegetables.  The tomatoes still look and taste like pink baseballs, lettuce is still of the pale and limp 

Pork Burgers with Apple and Brie

I really love a good burger. Who doesn’t?  Based on lots of the recipes I see on the web and in cookbooks, even vegetarians love burgers, albeit ones made out of black beans or quinoa or all kind of interesting things.  There is something about 

Brie, Mushroom, and Spinach Strata

Toasty French bread. Perfectly browned mushrooms sautéed with aromatic thyme and white wine.  Fresh, tender baby spinach. Melting, oozing, pungent brie cheese.  Dijon mustard swirled into a silky egg custard.

Brie, Bacon, and Red Onion Burgers

Brie, Bacon, and Red Onion Burgers

It’s been a particularly frigid winter in the Chicago area, with lots of days spent inside drinking tea and dreaming of summer.  A frequently recurring daydream around here involves the smell of burgers on the grill with a cold beer in hand, lounging around in