Tag: Asian

Spicy-Sweet Celery, Tofu, and Peanut Stir-Fry

I’ll admit it.  Despite my previous scorn for the tradition, I made a New Year’s Resolution this year.  I know, I know.  I’m still giving myself grief about it.  But changes have to be made, and now is as good a time as any to 

The Perfect Pork Tenderloin

Ok, so I know it’s December and all, and everything is all about mulled wine and Christmas cookies and over-the-top pot-luck casseroles.  But the thing is, let’s be reasonable.  We all still have to eat dinner.  And if you’re like me, you  might want something 

Soy Sauce Marinated Pork Spare Ribs

Soy Sauce Marinated Pork Spare Ribs

Sometimes a recipe title just doesn’t do the dish behind it justice.  Soy sauce marinated ribs doesn’t exactly make you think best ribs ever, does it?  I honestly don’t even know what drew me to this recipe.  Maybe just that it’s simple, I had everything 

Simple Asian Lettuce Wraps

Simple Asian Lettuce Wraps

You doubted me, didn’t you?  You thought maybe after moving, having a baby, and then going back to work that I just might forget about this little old blog.  Have a little faith, people!  Sure, it’s taken me a few weeks to get back into