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halfway through #buynothingnovember

halfway through #buynothingnovember

So, this is kind of anti-climactic but, here goes. I’ve not bought a single thing for 3 weeks now. I’m still alive. I’m not particularly suffering.

dealing with discouragement (CAPC series)

dealing with discouragement (CAPC series)

*For the past several years, I’ve been contributing to an amazing site, Catholic Attatchment Parenting Corner. (What can I say, I’ve really got a thing for niche-writing, yeah?) Due to all kinds of life circumstances, the site won’t be live for much longer, and the 

7 things i’ll miss in november

7 things i’ll miss in november

Since I’ve decided to commit to doing a #buynothingnovember (read more about that here), I decided it would be wholly appropriate for me to sit here and whine about the stuff I’ll miss.  Just kidding.  Kind of.  But I did sit and think about the 

buy nothing november

buy nothing november

This morning, as I wrote on my to-do list a series of tasks related to “figure out where to put ____”, I had an epiphany.  We have too much stuff.  I’m constantly purging stuff, packing stuff away, trying to pawn stuff off on other people. 

instagram, social media, and keepin’ it real

instagram, social media, and keepin’ it real

If you’ve been around here long at all, you know I love Instagram.  I love the glimpses into people’s lives, I love the little snippets of what they have to say, I love the lack of links to political opinion pieces. {these were really good, 

yes. and thank you.

yes. and thank you.

I’ve often felt that modern motherhood can be pretty isolating. Talk to any woman and she’ll tell you that it can be a lonely road, and a challenge to make friends in the beginning of the journey.  People often muse that we’ve lost the “village”- 

we’re all alive (and 7 other things)

we’re all alive (and 7 other things)

Well, I’ve kept all the children alive for another full week.  Yay for me! Here are 7 other notable things going on lately: Joey and I started back up with our reading lessons.  We took a break after we reached a point at the beginning of 

why i let my kids fight (CAPC series)

why i let my kids fight (CAPC series)

*For the past several years, I’ve been contributing to an amazing site, Catholic Attatchment Parenting Corner. (What can I say, I’ve really got a thing for niche-writing, yeah?) Due to all kinds of life circumstances, the site won’t be live for much longer, and the 

the hardest job in the world (CAPC series)

the hardest job in the world (CAPC series)

*For the past several years, I’ve been contributing to an amazing site, Catholic Attatchment Parenting Corner. (What can I say, I’ve really got a thing for niche-writing, yeah?) Due to all kinds of life circumstances, the site won’t be live for much longer, and the 

slow brain, bursting heart

slow brain, bursting heart

I used to hear the term “mommy brain” and cringe. It seemed to me a polite way of someone suggesting that women can’t have it all; you either have to be a strong, intellectual career woman without children, or a flighty, insipid stay-at-home mom who’s