Arugula and Fava Bean Crostini

Arugula and Fava Bean Crostini

What is it about bright green foods that drives me absolutely crazy?  They are just so beautiful and, typically, the taste measures up.  So many good things turn a gorgeous, vibrant shade of green when cooked… peas, broccoli, fresh herbs… and apparently, fava beans. Confessional 

Bombay Cheese Dip

Bombay Cheese Dip

Usually when I do one of these posts, I think of a cute little story to tell you, or an amusing tale of how I came upon the recipe, blah, blah, blah.  But, this dip needs so such story.  Because I could fill pages and pages 

Parmesan and Thyme Crackers

Parmesan and Thyme Crackers

True Story: I make these crackers. Friends come over for drinks and apps. They see these crackers sitting on a plate on the corner and immediately exclaim, “Oh my gosh, are those Ina’s Parmesan and Thyme Crackers?!” Wow. I had no idea when I made 

Green Herb Dip

Green Herb Dip

Summer is almost here. I can officially wear flip-flops without my toes turning to ice, and I barely need a jacket to sit outside in the evening. The trees and flowers are green and gorgeous and hopeful, and I swear the smell of cut grass through 

Black Grape and Rosemary Focaccia

Black Grape and Rosemary Focaccia

  I’m a huge sucker for those food combinations that are opposites, but go together so perfectly that you wonder why they’re opposites in the first place.  You know… sweet and salty, crispy and chewy. So it’s no surprise that when I saw this recipe on one of 

Hot Onion Souffle and Pita Chips

Hot Onion Souffle and Pita Chips

  Yesterday was hot.  I mean, it was really hot for May, so much so that it was kind a shock to my system. The trees are still blossoming all pinky and purple and the I’m just recovering from the constant joy of seeing green 

Mortadella Smear

Mortadella Smear

Do you have fancy dinner parties?  With hors d’oeuvres and cocktails and stuff?  Where women wear high heels and do their hair? Yeah, me neither.  But sometimes, I see a recipe somewhere, and really, really wish I did.  All of a sudden, I wish I