Saturday mornings (David Eyre’s Pancake)

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dsc_0187Saturday mornings are sort of a toss-up around here.  Some days, mommy (that’s me) wakes up well-rested (rarely) or at least less zombie-ish than usual (more likely), gets to drink her coffee in peace as the kids play and watch too much Daniel Tiger.  Once we’re all sufficiently woken up and hungry, my pleasant, homemaking alter ego says, “Shall we make pancakes? Or waffles? Let’s make bacon, too!” And then she lets the kids HELP and everyone eats heaps of delicious breakfast food and says please and thank you and we are ready to start our day.

And then, there are those days that mommy just gives the kids cheese sticks while they watch Sponge Bob.

But really, most Saturdays fall squarely in the middle of those two delightful scenarios.  Saturday mornings are never quite as blissful as I’d like them to be.  But I do love having something a little special for breakfast, even if I don’t feel like pulling out all the stops. That’s where this pancake comes in.

It’s easy to throw together, only consists of a few ingredients that you most definitely have in your fridge, can be topped with a variety of yummies to keep all kinds picky eaters happy, and best of all, it doesn’t involve standing over the stove while watching everyone else eat delicious pancakes.

Did I mention it’s delicious and custardy in the middle and crispy on the edges and golden throughout?  It is.

So whether you’re Saturday style is more fresh-squeezed OJ and vases of flowers or more cheesesticks and juice boxes on the couch, this one is a winner.dsc_0186