Classic Chocolate Pudding

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Classic Chocolate PuddingThe things I do for you guys.  I have made this pudding three times now, just to really make sure it’s as good as it was the first time.  I experimented with different milks, different thickeners, different chocolate.  And I ate a lot of pudding.  All for you, my loyal readers.  To give you the best pudding experience possible.  I’ve martyred myself for you on the altar of chocolate pudding.  My boys also played their parts by eating some pudding, but really, I took the brunt of that task.

Classic Chocolate PuddingClassic Chocolate PuddingI’ve never fancied myself a chocolate pudding person.  All of my experiences with chocolate pudding started with either opening a box of powder or peeling back the foil top from a small plastic tub.  Needless to say, neither of these experiences inspired me to dream of pudding.  In those incarnations, chocolate pudding is only vaguely chocolatey, more gelatinous than creamy, and overall pretty forgettable.  It would sate only the most desperate chocolate craving.Classic Chocolate Pudding

So I don’t know what made me want to try making chocolate pudding at home.  I had an inkling that it could really be something lovely.  Chocolatey and creamy in a friendly, comfortable way.  And in all honesty, I was looking for a quick chocolate fix with only a little work.  Well, mission accomplished.Classic Chocolate Pudding

This quintessential chocolate pudding is the pudding you should have been eating it as a kid.  It makes me feel nostalgic, even though I’m fairly certain I didn’t have anything like it during my childhood.  A big, chocolatey hug.  No wonder that I couldn’t stop with just one batch.  As soon as I finished the first bowlful, I wanted more.  I didn’t know pudding could be like this.  And the good news is, since I’ve put countless hours testing eating this pudding for you, it can be this good for you, too.  Enjoy.Classic Chocolate Pudding