Kohlrabi and Celery Salad with Dijon Vinaigrette

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Kohlrabi and Celery Salad with Dijon VinaigretteHello, Team Kohlrabi!  I’m so glad we’re all on the same page about kohlrabi by now. We are, right?  We all agree that we all love, love, love it and it’s one of our favorite, most versatile veggies?  If not, I’m kind of surprised you’re still here, and not completely annoyed by how many kohlrabi recipes I share.  But I can’t help it!  Every time I think I’ve got it all figured out, that I’ve tried kohlrabi every way I would ever really wish to have it… I discover a new way.  I can’t keep that love to myself.Kohlrabi and Celery Salad with Dijon Vinaigrette

This one caught my eye when I was browsing through my mom’s copy of Vegetarian Cooking for Everyone, which I am so enthralled with that I took it home for an extended stay at my house. (On a related note: aren’t moms the best?!  They just give you their cookbooks!  Just mine?  Really? Well… isn’t my mom the best?!  Sorry.)  Anyway, I was looking for something completely different, when I saw this kohlrabi and celery salad tucked away almost as a side note to another recipe.  It seemed improbably that it would be anything special, seeing as it didn’t even really have its own recipe in the cookbook, but now I was curious.  And what’s more, I had another giant kohlrabi in my fridge that I needed to find a good use for.

I was so pleasantly surprised!  Now, I know that you’re thinking that celery is super lame and you’d never just eat a salad made of half celery.  If you’re not, I’m surprised, because celery most certainly is lame.  It’s science.  But somehow, in this, it kind of rocks.  Not like, ok… it’s fine. No, it’s good.  Let’s let that sink in for just a teensy sec.Kohlrabi and Celery Salad with Dijon Vinaigrette

Ok, now that we’ve gotten over the celery thing, we can move on.  This salad is so perfectly crisp, crunchy, and refreshing, but is plenty zingy, due to the creamy vinaigrette that’s studded with briny capers and plenty of mustard.  This is the perfect salad to make late in the year, when salad greens get harder to come by, because it’s the perfect fresh accompaniment to a meal.  But I’m also thinking it would be delicious on top of a small handful of arugula or micro greens.  Not that we need that, right, Team Kohlrabi?  Team Kohlrabi?! Hello?Kohlrabi and Celery Salad with Dijon Vinaigrette