No-Knead Pizza Dough

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No-Knead Pizza DoughSo, I figured it was about time that I just went ahead and gave No-Knead Pizza Dough its own post.  Every time I toss a pizza recipe at you guys, I link up to the recipe that I use for dough as an afterthought.  But after taking down another fabulous pizza last night, and realizing that this crust is really what we are in love with, I thought it only fair to let it shine all by itself.  So while it’s not exciting, it’s one of the recipes I use over and over and over again in my kitchen.

No-Knead Pizza DoughThe reasons that we love this recipe are two-fold.  Not only does this make some of the most delicious pizza crust you’ve ever had, but it’s also so simple and easy to make that even the most novice pizza-maker will get good results.  The recipe is very similar to the one for No-Knead Bread from Jim Leahy, which is another favorite around here.   So the general idea is the same: Mix up some flour, yeast, salt, and water.  Let it sit. Shape it. Cook it.  Eat it.  And then eat a little more.  The flavorful crust itself bakes up perfectly, with crispy brown edges, lots of air bubbles, and a chewy texture that’s just right.  It also has the added benefit of holding up under lots of toppings without getting soggy, which is good if you’re like me and tend to go a little heavy-handed on the cheese.

No-Knead Pizza Dough

This dough also freezes like a dream, and this recipe makes enough for 6 pizzas.  So, here is what you do: make a batch, use one portion for dinner tonight, leave one in the fridge for dinner in a few days, and then put the other portions in the freezer for four (yes 4!) easy dinners down the road.  How much does that rock? I promise you, you won’t regret making such a big batch of dough.  Now get to it.

No-Knead Pizza Dough